Tuesday, October 21, 2008


A great new CD

With an awesome video for this song

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Get Fat, Be Happy.

For those of you who are not from Central Pennsylvania:
A whoopie pie, sometimes alternatively called a gob, black-and-white, or bob is a baked good traditional to the Pennsylvania Dutch culture as well as New England, made of two small, chocolate, disk-shaped cakes with a sweet, creamy frosting sandwiched between them

Thanks, Wikipedia! Sorry I mentioned whoopie pies a few days ago without describing what they are. I didn't realize that they are a regional thing!

Now, go make these, get fat and be marvelously happy. That's what I've been doing lately. They are best stashed in the fridge. And, don't fear, the thick "hide-the-fat-sweater" weather will soon be upon us. You can worry about your thighs come Summer.

HT: Culinary Creations by Peabody

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fall Fashions.

Lately, there is just a bit of a chill in the air, especially in the early morning. This made me want to spend more time on my patio, but all I have is a pair of very cute, but not so comfortable, wooden chairs from IKEA. However, October is not the best time to be searching for furniture. I've found a few loungers left at Target, but they don't quiet match the rest of my outdoor decor. Oh well.

In honor of the awesome fall weather, here are a few outfits I've been craving lately:


Paul by Paul Smith

Also Loving:
These Pumpkin Whoopie Pies which I made on Monday, and have been eating, rather stealthily, since then. They are wonderful all cold and right-out-of-the-refrigerator, as I prefer them.